Thursday, March 21, 2013

Vision Expo Recap!

Dr. A and Elizabeth attended the International Vision Expo this past weekend in New York. Here is a great recap of all the new and wonderful things they learned!

Firstly, we are pleased to announce that we will be updating our software to the latest Certified Electronic Health Record System by MyVisionExpress.  Your check in, exam, and check out process will become better streamlined and reduce the need for so much wasted paper!  Eco –friendly and secure, what more can you ask for?

Part of the expo experience is attending lectures on pertinent eye health issues, here are just a few of the interesting lectures Dr. A attended. 
The Role of Diet and Nutrition in Vision Care
Omega-3, Lutein, Zeazanthin play a pivotal role in things like macular degeneration and overall eye health.

Infant See program to help detect early autism in babies
An eye exam at eye2eye involved the whole family. Our patients who are new parents will always bring in their new babies during the exam, so we wanted to have the latest information on this important topic.

Dry Eyes
Dry eyes are not solely age related anymore. It can occur at all age ranges and is increased by the air quality at work and home, extensive reading and/or computer work, and contact lens solutions, contact lens overwear, and allergies.

Itching, redness, watery eyes, or a feeling like something is “in” your eye are all symptoms of allergies, which typically overlap with dry eyes. Improved prescription eye drops with just once a day dosing and age range of 3 y/o and older, allow for increased comfort.

Along with lectures about eye health and treatment, Elizabeth took the opportunity to refresh her knowledge of the latest optical lens technology available. Want to see in HD? Now you can. At eye2eye we’re bringing you digitally made lenses for your glasses and sunglasses to enhance and improve your vision experience like never before. 

Progressives lenses
Nanoptix technology (helps eliminate that “fishbowl” feeling in progressives) Synchroneyes technology (allows a wider angle of viewing w/ less peripheral distortion).

Computer lenses Better than ever before, you can now have increased comfort at your computer and desk while still seeing out to about 5’ in your office without having to take off your glasses. Perfect for progressive or bifocal wearers who have to tilt their head up to see and for people who don’t need glasses to see but are experiencing eyestrain during computer use.

Experio Sunglasses
Not only does this sunglass technology block 100% of UV, it also virtually eliminates glare, which is even more blinding, and it allows you to stay outdoors comfortably and with the most protection for your eyes.

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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Don't Suffer from Allergy Eyes

Despite the early March snow (that was more of rain), allergy season is right around the corner. If you are an allergy sufferer and find yourself with itchy, watery, red eyes - we have some great tips for you from Dr. Dora to help prevent and lessen your allergy symptoms this season.

1.) What is the best way to combat spring allergies - especially the itchy, watery eyes?
-Always wash hands and face after coming in from outdoors. 
-Wash hair more often as pollen can linger there and when you lie down on your pillow or couch, your face can rub around in it.
-Replace older makeup
-Start taking oral medicine as soon as the symptoms start or pollen levels begin to peak

2.) How far in advance should one begin treatment to lessen the symptoms?
-Ideally, once the pollen count starts to creep up, then one should start taking their oral allergy medicine as well as their allergy eye drops.  The earlier the better.
-People new to the area sometimes feel that they have a cold, and after 1-2 years, they realize the pattern, again, the earlier the better when starting treatment!
-There are great prescription eye drops you may use once a day to reduce and/or limit eye allergies. Contact lens wearers may still wear contacts if they wait 10 minutes after inserting the drops.

3.) Can I still wear my contacts during allergy season?
-For mild sufferers, simply limiting the amount of hours one wears the contacts helps. 
-Throw out contact more frequently or use one day disposable contacts during allergy season so that you insert a fresh, pollen free lens each day.
-For those who have moderate to severe allergies, discontinuing contact lenses when the pollen is at its peak cuts down on the pollen "sticking" on the lens and staying on the eye all day.

4.) When should I see a doctor about my allergy eyes?
Again, preventative measures will help cut down on the symptoms, as once allergies flare up, it's takes longer and more medicine to quiet things down.

5.) Any general advice regarding eye allergies/warning signs of something worse?
If you have pain, decreased vision, or redness that gets worse, it could be signs of other eye issues and one should see their doctor right away.

6.) What about in kids? What how can we prevent the symptoms of eye allergies in children?
-Be sure to encourage them wash their hands and face after recess or coming in from outdoors. 
-Have them change their clothes when they return home for the day.
-Keep bedroom windows closed during peak pollen days.
-Change pillow case if kids did not wash hair that day.

We hope Dr. Dora's advice helps you minimize your symptoms this allergy season!

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